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With chloe baldwin AND

paul stafford

Welcome to Shakeshero, the Podcast that bridges the gap between you and all things Shakespeare.

Where it all happens

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We love analyzing stories and trying to dissect how they affect us and what they mean. Chloe has loved Shakespeare since childhood and has since forged an acting career where she has gotten to bring some of these characters to life. Paul is an artist in his own right as a musician and technician by trade, has an analytical perspective that leads him to ask questions a lot of us have. With their powers combined, they dig through weeds of Shakespearean productions on screen to find the elements that we can all relate to and find out if, how, and why they matter today.


Chloe Baldwin is a professional actor and fight choreographer who loves hard. A few things she loves are Paul, chai, and Shakespeare, which she believes, when done well, can be accessible to anyone. She has traveled from Chicago to LA and beyond working in film, TV, and theatre. You may have seen her at Goodman Theater in Chicago or on the series "Like What You Like" as Rosalind. Oh, and she's six feet tall. You can also follow her adventures on Instagram: @chloeglowyflowy


Paul Stafford is a technician by trade and in spirit. He wants nothing more than to put puzzle pieces together. He hails from Los Angeles CA, but through the Coast Guard and other opportunities he has traveled and lived all over the US. In every chapter of his life he has collaborated with other musicians, playing guitar, bass, singing, and producing songs. You can catch a glimpse here: @staff_1989



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